Chapter Eleven
Cautions and reflections
“We wish to welcome you as citizens of the universe, free to express yourselves and to love freely.”
Respect is due the founders of the earth. You are living out the plan set down by these minds. You exist as an imperfect replica of this design, still shown in nature.
Look about you for the pattern within which you live and learn to know it. You will be masters of the earth once again when you perceive this plan.
We lived in the remains of an expression on earth of this harmony. On the soil of Britain were the remains of the adaptations man had made to nature’s evidences. The men of old reconstructed the earth to capture the forces and to live in harmony with this natural order. Hills were decapitated, much earth moved, much water changed in course. All the countryside was brought into harmony for purposes you cannot conceive of at this time.
Simply changing the structure of the earth will not
accomplish its purpose unless you know what you are about. You must get in touch with the inner harmony and learn to express yourselves as creatures of your earth instead of a thing apart. You look alternately on the earth as your enemy and as your friend and treat it accordingly.
You do not see yourselves as an integral part of this system, expressing for it as well as it for you. You are bound together as long as you live on this planet and you must learn to pay attention to that fact.
There are powers you are not ready to deal with in your present state of mental and spiritual growth. You are not safe to have access to their secrets. You must first learn to live in harmony with what is already expressed before you are given the inmost secrets of nature to use.
We are much concerned with your use of atomic power. You do not know the nature of what you are using. There is a basic misunderstanding of what you have brought into being and you are going to suffer grave consequences for this act. If you would cease to use it, you would be much better off. It is never used in the manner in which you have released it but with negative consequences.
There are other forms in which this power can be
tapped, which you will discover when you are ready. These other forms of this power are safe to use as long as you respect certain laws. It is not necessary to suffer radiation when used in its proper forms.
You will run into unexpected difficulties with solar power but it will be much safer than nuclear power.2 The air currents of the earth are perhaps the safest to tap. There are a wide variety of methods that can be employed in capturing this power. You haven’t used your imaginations yet. You are using methods used for hundreds of years when there are completely different methods for capturing this sort of power.
In some of Einstein’s later ruminations there are some clues as to the next direction in which science can profitably go.3 If you will read and listen with an open imagination, you will perceive some new ideas that have so far been overlooked, or more precisely, misunderstood as referring to already known facts and concepts. Read on; there is much material already existing in research that has not been used.
We are not quite ready to let into the world ideas that cannot be handled. You have enough to contend with at this time without adding another stick to the pile.
Love is the cohesive force that keeps our material and spiritual universe together. Love is actually a true force, with laws of its behavior and action. Love is felt as both intense joy and intense longing and sorrow. Love is attraction and repulsion, construction and destruction.
You find the latter hard to take. In this sphere of duality you find the dissolution painful. You find death, the leaving of familiar surroundings, a negative experience. If you could sense the experience of eternal flow in all direction, as we see it here, you would cease to fear.
Love flows in all directions. It is not as you have been taught about your Christian God and universe. There is no true destruction or negation. It only appears to be so from your vantage point. You see only the effect, not the total picture or the cause behind the action.
We wish to welcome you as citizens of the universe, free to express yourselves and to love freely. You love the form of your world into existence. It would not exist but for the desire and effect of your desire bringing it into form. This is too metaphysical a concept for some of you, but form actually depends on the attention of Mind.
Each of you live in a slightly different universe because of the difference in spirit and perception. You arrange what you wish to see and organize the atoms to
your perception. You create out of love for that which you see. Those things you do not like are also creations of love, for your attention to their form and action in this world. You are constantly learning by this dream-play you create. This is a form-world of love, created by yourselves.
There is a reserve of energy that mankind has not as yet used. People are generally unaware of this great reservoir of spiritual energy that is available to them. You are beginning to tap this life- force with the spiritual mind movement, and unfortunately also with your use of atomic energy. The light is the connecting link. Light is more than you are aware of, as to its nature.4
We on this side see you groping for answers in your life-space. You are aware of needs and desires that have not been met. You try to satisfy this with movement, over the ground and through inner- space (via drugs and meditation). There are satisfactory and unsatisfactory means of meeting this need, as you are discovering from bitter experience. You are babies in the exploration of energy, just bringing your hands to your mouths.
Your discovery of the laser and the hologram are monumental in the import to your understanding of the larger
picture. You are just beginning to discover what your universe consists of and what use you might make of it for yourselves. You are its masters because of your consciousness but this mastership must be learned step by step, for your own safety and quicker growth.
The light streaming in your window has unimagined properties. It can bend; it can move without losing itself; it returns after extinguishment; it can be controlled – all elementary observations about its properties. More is being discovered each day. Light can carry information and can be used to reconstruct that information. Pulsing light has many uses. Pulsing light will be used to cure growths and malformations in the body. Pulsing light can be used to sterilize and to encourage growth. Light will be used to restore to proper form a malformed body. Light directed into the eyes can correct a malfunction, malformed (or incompletely-formed) brain. The light is the trigger and contains the perfectly-formed information that is incompletely or incorrectly ordered in the brain not functioning at its optimum.
Sleep is a form of personal light control. We turn off the light in our mind’s eye. We turn off the light in the room almost as a symbolic gesture of this internal reality.
There are movements beginning in the subconscious realms of mankind that you are beginning to perceive – all this interest in yoga, ecology, the ways of live and spirit. Also, there will begin to be born children that come with a mission. They will contain a “program” as it were for a new age, a new way of looking at life. These children will contain drives and interests that will seem strange to older people living now. The parents who have taken up these “new” interests will be barely able to meet their needs and interests. You will know by their eyes that these children are different.5
These new children will not sleep very much and will not have the usual hungers and cravings for food. Their metabolisms will seem a little different. they will have different health problems in their adjustment to their environment. These children will exhibit differences in blood types and chemistry that have not been seen before. This will not present problems except in need for transfusions following surgery and accidents, and with immunizations.
Generally, these children will adjust easily socially but will show impatience with old forms and will learn very quickly and amaze their families and teachers with their sense of authority and quickness. These children will incline toward medicine, the sciences and practical research.
Your special children are going to need special care and understanding. They will be your teachers more than you shall be. You would do well to listen to them in their childhood ruminations and ask questions of them. They will come to the world with much useful information if you have ears to hear it. Welcome them as your ambassadors from beyond.