Chapter Ten
The influence of the past on our present
“At this time much of the world is still under the domination of individual interests, where a person in power, an industry, or special interest, sways the course of government.”
There has been much misunderstanding of the rule played by our ancestors in shaping today’s world. Political institutions are a reflection of the times and of the temper of man more than of a formal institution.
You are living in the midst of a system formulated by the minds of the past, acted upon by those same minds. I am speaking of reincarnation. This situation does not often occur through history in a period of growth, but usually only in a stable society.
It is a factor in the temper of the times that those persons have lived to see their ideals bearing fruit and will be instrumental in shaping the new forms into which the ideas have evolved.
I see a turning away from a socialist state after much trial and turmoil. There is not enough cooperative
spirit among today’s western minds to insure the working of such a system. We will see a more rigid form of capitalism arise, much governed by rules to try to ensure fairness and equality but also freedom to expand within the system. The aim will be more toward a stifling of exploitation of the individual as consumer and taxpayer. More will be accomplished in the protection of individual rights and privacy will become dear in an increasingly crowded, complex society.
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There is much to understand of our time in history of value to you. You are about to see major social and economic disruption, too, and it is best to be prepared.
Storing feed grains and the understanding of plant and animal propagation is essential. Much knowledge has been renewed recently in your society.
We were at a great disadvantage as agricultural practices and refined skills had become highly-specialized and not widely- known and practiced. Your “back to the earth” trend is a racial memory being acted out for preparation and redistribution of skills and knowledge.
We do not learn only in this earth life but carry over, individually and collectively, all knowledge gained from experience. You are not a “tabula rasa” as you are
taught, but a well of information which is made available by learning your present-day referents.
We are concerned that the race improves from the next experiment-test, not founders. We are building toward a fine future and we will carry what we have learned into it, if we practice our lessons well.
There is much occurring at this time that is going to have long- range focal meaning in history. As in times before, that which often goes unnoticed at the time is of lasting import.
At this time the deposition of the Shah of Iran is a major straw in the wind. When you were a child, comparable occurrences were the exile of the Egyptian monarch and the democratization of India.
The French Revolution was the prototype for other revolutions and a general change in the attitude of individuals and governments to the position of the rights of that individual in society.
At this time much of the world is still under the domination of individual interests, where a person in power, an industry, or special interest, sways the course of government. Much of Africa, and more of eastern Europe and the middle East are in this condition.
Multi-national corporations are in your time acting
in this coercive capacity. There will be much disruption and anger in undeveloped countries, let alone in your own, within the next ten years reacting against these groups.
This rise to power is a relic of the Revolution in that persons in power in that time’s version of “big money” and political power en masse are the same individuals that are pursuing the same courses of interest.
You see a new play of old characters and plots in new scenery and costumes. The “will to power” is one of mankind’s strongest desires and does not die with the grave.
There is much drive behind the scenes to maintain this skein of power. On the surface some individual freedom may exist, but there are subtle economic, political and social restrictions. Most citizens do not notice this, as those in former times also denied at first that they were bonded. Some slaves have always resisted being freed.
During the French Revolution those who suffered least, the middle class, resisted change and could see no room for alteration of society’s design. If you will look about you, this is again true. Religion has been subtly tied to the issues of economic, political position and allegiance, and social reform. A “hold the line” mentality is strongly encouraged.
In your times, as then, only those with the least
to lose, speak out. Fear of change is always a powerful enforcer of the status quo and fights for stability no matter how undesirable this stability may be.
Your leaders today are seeking to ally themselves economically and ideologically with former enemies – a similar tactic as old as man. They would hold the world economy at as high a level as they can in order to satisfy this power structure; it cannot survive without this present high level of consumption.
Your leaders of the past now in power with different names and faces have learned some lessons in humanitarianism. The emphasis today is on equality of opportunity, but it is also a garment made to fit “our friends in the back room,” who are supporting and controlling the world economy.
Lessons have been learned but those unevolved souls-in-consciousness who are power-mad carry on as before. This not-so-subtle influence has pervaded history and private man will have no control over his destiny until this concentration of power is truly prohibited and made impossible by society’s laws and structures.
It is vital that individual man be able to prosper, but what we are dealing with above is not man as an individual but a gestalt of power that feeds greedily upon man’s efforts. This phenomenon is not necessary for society’s health and growth; it is a cancer, as it were,
that feeds unseen on the vitals.
Man in his innocent, trusting state does not naturally expect his fellows to feed upon him. Sophisticated man knows it does occur, and a sophisticated society of the future will not dare turn its eyes from this reality.
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