Chapter Twelve
Temperature and Time
“We are full of the desire for you to see and understand the beauty and perfection underlying all life. You are on a wonderful path to freedom, where you will become co-creators with God.”
There is a matter of temperature to discuss. You on this earth express life in a particular way because of the degree of temperature within which you live. Know you not that if you lived and expressed life within a different temperature range that different abilities and forms would be available to you?
On other planets in your galaxy there are living beings much like yourself in spirit that are expressing in vastly different forms due to this difference in temperature range. There is one planet within your solar system that you do not expect to be habited because of its temperature, but it is that.
If you lived at 10 degrees [Fahrenheit] higher temperature, your abilities and expression would be hampered. If you lived at a lower temperature, your particular form and mentality
would be more efficient. You are living in generally too warm environments for your best health and efficiency. You are designed to operate at about 60 degrees [Fahrenheit], clothed. You would live to much older ages and be more healthy if you lived in cooler climates.
You also live in too rich an oxygen atmosphere. This ages you faster than is necessary. You are more inclined to a bit more carbon dioxide in your atmosphere for slower cell deterioration.
We would urge you in the West to heat your buildings less and to spend less time in extremely warm conditions. It is more desirable to cover the body and let the head go free in a cooler environment. we would suggest moving to more north
This sounds strange to you at this time but you will see discoveries made to corroborate this within the next 10 years.
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We are concerned for your health. You are eating too many artificial substances in food and water. This will have long-range detrimental effect on your health. There will be subtle changes in body chemistry as a result of this induction of substances. We would recommend a further effort toward growth and eating of unadulterated foods. The long-range
results can be nothing but beneficial.
It would also be advisable to live away from gas and exhaust fumes from automobiles. There are changes in the oxygen absorption abilities of the blood and toxic substances that collect in the brain and liver. You would all be better off if your homes were further from highways and main thoroughfares and you must needs walk a block or so from your conveyance. This may sound inconvenient, but over the long term could make quite a difference in health.
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You are interested in the question of time; we are not focused in one time dimension as you are.
From our point of view, we are able to see and exist in any time- context that we choose. We live in your time, in a way, as well as in the time of which we speak. We also live in a timeless focus, from which we chiefly speak.
Time is not a function of the larger perspective. It is a device by which you are able to experience your consciousness in a world context. You are co-existing on other levels, but are kept unaware of these by your time orientation.
In a way time has a function of “thickening” or concentrating mental and emotional experiences. It is also a vital factor in the duality you experience in your world. Duality would not exist without contrast and contrast is made possible by the function of time.
You do not understand. Try to see time as a point of view. You are taken from a perspective where you can see all without boundaries and choose your focus to a position from which you have relatively little choice but to look in one direction. You might say time is a mono-dimensional limiting function that maintains a linear focus. Generally, you are able to see only the present and are oriented toward the future. This is an effect of what you call time.
You would not exist in your “material” world but for the effects of “time.” Matter would not exist but for the effects of time. Time is a very important constant in your dimension, but is not of the same importance in others.
Psychics are partially as they are because they are not “locked into” time as securely as their fellows. All have this ability to escape the confines of time mentally, but do not choose to use it because of its disorienting aspect.
When you learn to understand and use time, you will have control of your material manifestation and will be able to truly “create” your world. What is not understood about the free-will concept is that it involves the capacity to control time. Physics is getting into this area and will be exposing the general public to these revolutionary ideas within the next 15 years. It will cause a massive change
in point of view.
You wonder how we can speak from “here,” “now.” and “then” if reincarnation and an individual soul are true concepts.
The individual is the reality – the time-orientation is the illusion. You can be many places “at the same time;” the understanding of that phrase is the problem with your understanding.
We are not caught in time as you are when you are living on earth. We are free to choose our point of focus; we live in a multi-dimensional world, as you will someday again. (Of course you are now, but you are not aware of it – we are speaking of the consciousness you are now experiencing in your world context.)
There are many lives being lived at once by an individual personality. You are all putting the pieces into your individual and collective puzzles all the time. You are building a massive world-view all together, in concert, so to speak.
You are individuals; you are holy creatures; you are confined to your place in time – you are also omnipresent, omniscient (to quite a degree), and not confined to your place in time.
Your chief problem is with the egotistical idea that
you are in the only world, the only time, the only space. This is simply not true. There are other worlds, other times, other spaces, in a manner of speaking. It is like a language barrier between communicants to try to explain a factor peculiar to each particular culture to the other who has not and cannot experience this phenomenon.
Are you getting an inkling of what I am speaking of? A little, I sense. Enough for now. When you re-read it several times, you may get an idea of what we are trying to convey. We bless you.
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I wish to speak of the beautiful, perfect manifestation underlying all reality.
You live in a world of form, of contrasts, in which you are painfully aware of your limitations. Not so, these limitations are only apparent in this time scale and of limited duration. You only experience limitations of the present sort because of your particular focus in this time-limitation.
On the other side you become aware of man’s inherent perfection and you see where each act will finally lead, where the perfection of the perfect mold becomes a perfect form in the objective world.
We are full of the desire for you to see and understand
the beauty and perfection underlying all life. You are on a wonderful path to freedom, where you will become co-creators with God. You will have the wisdom and experience by that time, so do not fear the misuse of that creativity. In the present scope natural law prohibits you from using it to a great excess of mis-intent.
There are no realities to the ideas and ideals of evil you now entertain. When mankind realizes that evil is essentially his own creation, he will rocket ahead into the next stage of earthly development and see changes in his world he would not believe.
Deny evil with your every breath. Do not fight it – that just gives power to the idea – but deny it, remove it from your system of beliefs. You do not need it. Has it ever done you any good? Of course not. Not one evil has ever been prevented by dwelling on it – quite the opposite. If you spent as much time thinking about and doing good as you spend preoccupied with evil, you would live a different life in a different world.
Our world manifests our thoughts, as the earth manifests our conditions by its absorption of our attitudes. We are the caretakers of the earth, spiritually as well as physically, and we have not been doing a conscious job of good. We need to care for our mother and give her peace and love in order
that she can manifest healthy conditions for us.
Sentimental nonsense, you say? Think about it. You don’t think very much these days – not original thoughts arising from your own experience, your own mind; you are mostly a product, in the Western world, of television and media presentations of all sorts of predigested material designed to persuade you to a certain point of view. You spend very little time in original thought.
Deep in the well-springs of your own being are untapped resources of love and compassion for all men and for the earth. You are essentially the caretakers, in the sense of caring, and this essentially-loving nature of yours is constantly denied in your present life-style.
How often are you able to give your love to a tree, or an animal, or the sunset? Inside you are grateful and joyous, but you are certainly out of the habit of expressing that joy. There is nothing wrong with that – more builds more – and soon you are living in a different environment.
Instead of raising money to help homeless children, help them, or your neighbors’ children directly. There is so much energy and love lost in useless pursuits of indirect means of dealing with needs. You could be even better served by really loving your own family. How many of you are shorting your loved ones on love for the vaunted purpose of helping unloved people? Silly, isn’t it? You are forgiven, but you continually act
thus. It is a human reaction as old as time – it comes chiefly from acting out of habit and not out of consideration.
Think your own thoughts. From them you can build a world for yourself and for others. You are “as” gods, with limited powers in this world for making this a paradise on earth. For each of you who do this, the effect is multiplied ten-fold. It would take only about 10 years to remake the world if the proper realization could come to a few key people.
You with creative talents – how are you using them? To “entertain” or to uplift and instruct? This last can be done in a variety of ways – it can still be entertaining – but how little value there is in dramatizing the evil and misery in the world. That will take care of its own perpetuation as long as you allow it to exist. Look to the light and you will have more light. Shine forth and sing the news – this is a wonderful place to be alive – make more of it – shorten the time to the “glory time” when man dwells in peace on this beautiful earth.
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We are nearly finished with our narrative. It may seem a little short by your standards, but it contains all we feel we need to communicate at this time.
There are many more occurrences we could describe
and much more information we could give, but this is enough for you to digest at this time. We may communicate again in the future, if we can see you would profit from it.
Take heart – there is hope for the human race – you are so young – you have so far to go and the direction in which you are going is so much finer than you now suppose from the present looks of things. I wish you could see it from this side and look out across the expanse of “time” you have yet to live in as a working group to the fine life you will lead.
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1 Austrian nobility was converted by the Jesuits in the 1500’s.
2 “Concentrators” will also concentrate some cosmic rays and capture high-energy particles.
3 Refers especially to subtle alterations of the concepts of time and space. Also see comments on the properties of light on p. 68.
4 Light is pure information.
5 Their eyes will appear different both in structure (including coloring) and expression.