Chapter Nine
Predictions for the Future
“We are chiefly concerned with building a better world, a world in balance with the sunshine of God pouring from every heart.”
Economically you are living much as we. You live in a time succeeding two world wars and major economic and social disruption. You all have been wounded in spirit, as well as in body. You are not natural children of earth in your present state; man’s trust is gone, for the most part.
We see you much recovered economically, but not spiritually. There is a cloud that hangs over the head and heart. We see much distrust of your fellow man and much concern with your material welfare, which is justified in lean times, but you are far beyond supplying only sustenance.
On the other side there is much concern for that state of mind and heart of modern man. It is the civilized, developed nations that will carry the burden of man’s repair, if you are struck by another disaster. You must needs be spiritually and emotionally strong to
survive and to build a better world.
There is much preoccupation with small evils in your world. You spend much time fighting causes not worth your time, transient effects of social change that will resolve themselves. Perhaps the demons you fight are the demons of darkness that represent the basic mistrust of man’s collective soul at this time.
Be not afraid of this state of affairs; we lived through such a time, too, and it lasted longer and was more devastating physically and spiritually than the present task you face. Be of good heart that you will triumph. But in the meantime, look about you at the causes you are encouraged to champion. Are they really a deep-lying trend in society, or just a passing fancy?
We are chiefly concerned with building a better world, a world in balance with the sunshine of God pouring from every heart. There is no need to live in a world of darkness. The earth has more than enough to sustain the lives of many more than live here now.
Perhaps you could not all drive automobiles, or indulge in all the luxuries you now deem important, but a better life yet is within possibility, and not on the starvation level perceived by some as the only direction
for mankind. This is just not so – it reflects the lack of imagination working here.
There is a time when you will literally farm the seas – not fish-farming, but farming the sea floor in larger areas. The ocean floor is rich with minerals and nutrients that would raise crops such as you have never seen. There is much technology that can arise in this field and is presently being worked on by a team of researchers at an eastern university.
There is a possibility, too, of recovery of giant amounts of petroleum from the ocean floor, but it will be put to other purposes than you have presently employed it. I see, too, that you will discover a way to use vegetation for fuel and power that will revolutionize your present concerns about energy availability.
You have no conception of the richness of the live you could lead on this planet if you would open your eyes and use the methods of technology available to you to alter the direction of your path. You must dream and use your imagination – it is a true God-gift.
In future generations you will not have diseases as you know it. Discoveries will be made in the study of immunology that will change your understanding of the disease process. Tooth decay and the need for corrective
lenses for the eyes will be eliminated. There will be a new understanding of muscle function that will change your need for exercise to maintain muscle tone; this will in turn change the picture for heart and blood vessel disease, as their primary cause is related to faulty muscle function.
A time will come when death will result only from choice or by accident (which is a faulty understanding of the control we all have over our lives.) Most persons will choose to live 500 to 600 years, as did our ancestors because man will be able to get down to the primary purpose for his existence: mental and spiritual development.
The possibility of true education and the reaping of the fruits of well-developed mentalities will finally be at our door. We live too short a life at this time (your time) to use that potential, and it begins to fail in its potency much too early due to natural loss of capacity. Cell regeneration will be understood and will be under man’s control.
I am telling you that man’s fate will be under his own control, not just under the jurisdiction of scientists, but will be common knowledge available to all. It will be an exciting time to live, when everyone will have some say
and some control of his own fate. Can you conceive of such a world? It is only 100 years from your time if you will all begin to work toward this end. There is no natural process of degeneration, but rather a natural trend toward regeneration, Nature disperses, man focuses.
* * *
I fear we have not made clear our purpose for your time. We are for your understanding of history and of your (all people’s) place in time.
It is difficult for us from this vantage to see just what you need. We know what we lacked and what we learned from our experience and wish to share.
Our expertise is more in attitude, or the long-view, than in precise suggestions as to how to live your lives.
Once one passes into the larger world many concerns of earth life fall away and assume a different perspective. It was not so much what we did, exactly, but the spirit with which live was lived and each act performed, that was of value. The soul has its own wisdom and in times of trial will provide answers to need. What is called upon from us is the desire to reach out for that answer.
I cannot stress enough to you all the bounden duty to develop your faith – in God, in Nature, in Man, in Yourselves, in Destiny. All you have to work with is your
individual life when locked in the “veil of forgetfulness.”
Your lives on earth possess a keenness, a sharpness of focus, we lack here. It is a different sort of experience and difficult to compare; but I would advise you to look sharply at all you see, to enjoy the scents and sights to the greatest extent of your abilities.
Your experience on earth is meant to be a pleasure and you more often make it a pain. Enjoy; it is the only journey precisely like it you will make.
There are many unanswered questions about the reasons for humans being here, on this material plane. We will try to clarify it from our point of view outside your space, though you must needs know that we are limited in our total understanding.
We all come into this “vale of chaos” by choice. There is a special experience and lessons to be learned by living in the material world. You might say that it thickens and quickens experience. The emotional effect of living hastens the learning of the soul.
On this side, we are liable to contemplation and learn much, but it is rather a slow experience; we lack that “focus” of which I spoke before. Somehow time acts
as a focusing of effect that is unparalleled in the travels of the soul.
Of course you pay a price for this short-cut. There is the effect of your actions to deal with: karma. You are caught up in the effects of others and must deal with the results. It is not an easy course to take, but still a quicker one than simply contemplation outside of time.